Monday, June 10, 2013

Making it work

Scenario: You walk into a potential event space and the first thought that crosses your mind is.... Man, that carpet is ugly. And instead of seeing any promise in the space you just keep thinking.... Why would someone do that?
If this has happened to you, you aren't alone. There is almost always something that might deter you from choosing an event space. It could be harsh lighting, irremovable decor, or a ridiculously placed column or two. Perfection is hard to find and typically isn't in the average bride's budget. But, luckily there are ways to hide some of the more unsightly features of a room.
Do you love the local Country Club but HATE the wall paper? Pipe and Drape will be your new best friend! Cover the walls in you favorite color fabric or sheer.

It brings sense of uniformity to the space and can tie in to your event's color scheme. For spaces that are really large (maybe a little too large), draping the room can bring the room in and visibly make it smaller.

Did you find a great event space but the 'high school cafeteria lights' are making you cringe? Uplight the room and turn the
fluorescents off! Uplighting can be used to accent architectural features  such as columns, fireplaces, or walls, as well as under objects and spaces to create a “glowing” effect. Uplighting can  customize any space to create the mood or atmosphere you desire. I am a huge fan of lighting a room regardless of the on site lighting situation. It makes the room  look so much more dynamic and interesting.

And what about that not-so-lovely carpet?? Removable event flooring is the best way to take care of that. Most venues allow you to bring in a dance floor. Just think of it as an extra large dance floor. It can even match the style or theme of your event.

When I went to hear David Turera speak at Disney's Fairytale Wedding's Bridal Showcase back in February he was asked a question by a bride regarding his experience with working with undesirable aspects of  reception spaces. His reply was, "If you notice the carpet, I'm not doing my job!" So finding your dream event space is not very likely..... but CREATING it is!

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