Current Projects

Stewart/Wolff Wedding                             Wedding Date: 11/15/15 

Morgan and Amanda met while working as camp councilors for Lutheridge. They got engaged on their 2 1/2 year anniversary at Walt Disney World during Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party last November. Then, Morgan gave Amanda the ring in February on a pier at Folly Beach, SC.

Last Thursday, I went to meet Amanda and Morgan for our initial consultation. I had already given them some pre-meeting homework and was excited to see what they had come up with. We talked venues, colors, and styles. They both wanted a fall wedding and ended up picking the date of November 15th of next year. Right now, they are looking to have the ceremony up North in either D.C. or Maryland but have the reception down in Charleston, SC the following week. Amanda had done some great research on venues for both locations so we had a bit of a head start! The colors are going to be royal blue with accents of yellow which I think will be lovely. Hopefully, we can incorporate some details inspired from the movie Sweet Home Alabama. (Which is their movie) And maybe a nod towards the camp where they met. Overall, they want to keep it sweet and simple which I think is great.

I'm starting to put the pieces together to get an overall picture of what they are hoping for. The next step is figuring out the budget. Not the most fun part of the planning process but most certainly a crucial one. I am very excited to be a part of they're jurney and can't wait to meet with them again next month to see we have to work with!

*Photograph taken by Jenna Miller

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