Friday, July 20, 2012

*Gasp*...Oh No!

The two words no one wants to hear on their wedding day. No matter how much planning is done or how organized you are, there is always a chance that something could go wrong. A bridesmaid steps on the hem of her dress and it rips. Whilst taking pre-wedding pictures outside, some dirt leaves smudges on the bride's dress.  The groomsmen forget to take the tags off their vests and you don't want to rip them off in fear of ripping the fabric. And God forbid someone break a nail! A good emergency kit can keep a small mishap from becoming a bigger issue.

Here are a few basic guidelines when it come to emergency kits:
1) Put the kit together in something that can be easily transported.
2) Make a master list of what is to be included and make sure everything is there before the big day.
3) Keep it as organized as possible. (Don't throw it all in a plastic grocery bag and call it a day)
4) MOST IMPORTANT!! Make someone in charge of it! A bridesmaid, the Maid of Honor, Mother of the Bride....anyone! The last thing you want to hear in your time of need is "I thought you had it."

Recently, I have seen some really cute versions of emergency kits pop up on Pinterest.

This one was given to each bridesmaid as a "Bridesmaid's Survival Kit."
DIY Bridesmaid Survival Kits in mini suitcases - so clever and cute! @Andrea Maroun

This one is cute, colorful, and easy to carry.
Car emergency kit.

This one is labeled...organized....then labeled some more! (I love things organized but...whoa.)
Bridal Emergency Kit
Not my ideal choice for organizing things BUT it is a super cute gift.
Bridal Emergency Kit

More important than what your emergency kit looks like is what you put in it. Here is my list of the essentials:

Aspirin (or pain reliever of choice)
Bottle of water
Chalk (to cover up any last minute smudges or smears on your wedding dress)
Clear nail polish (for broken nails or stocking runs)
Corsage pins
Dental floss/toothpicks
Eye drops
Extra earring backs
Hair pins/ponytail holder
Hand sanitizer
Hem tape
Mini sewing kit
Safety pins
Scotch tape
Small folding scissors
Spot remover
Straws (No messing up the girl's lipstick on coffee cups or water bottles )
Breath mints
Cash (just in case)
Hair spray
Makeup (for touch-ups)
Nail file
Granola bars or other easy-to-carry snacks
Krazy Glue (for nail fixes, shoe heels, decorations, even jewels)

Now, armed with your crisis management kit, you can rest easy knowing that the little bumps in the road on the way to the alter can be taken care of quickly. But the most important thing to add to your emergency kit is: Perspective. Remember that a broken nail does not a ruined wedding make. (In other words: Don't sweat the small stuff)

*Special thanks to Athena Jordan for some much needed inspiration

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