Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Studio R Creations

I'll let you in on a secret. I love small businesses! I believe that some of the best creations come from people who have a passion for what they do and want to share their gifts with the world. So it will come as no surprise that my new favorite company for handmade gifts is a small business called Studio R Creations! It's a brand spanking new company but the artist has been working on her craft for 14 years. Her talents range from stained glass to jewelry to ceramics. For her business however, she is focusing on customizable gifts for any occasion or just because :) Here are some examples of what you can order from her store:
Here are some of her necklaces

Here are some of her coasters

Here are some examples of home decor

If you like what you see or have any questions feel free to contact Rachael at You can also check out her Facebook page for more information and examples of her work at
I predict that 2015 is going to be an amazing year for this company and I hope you will be a part of its success!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Holiday Party Time!!!

Planning a holiday get together at you house can be a daunting task form the cleaning to the decor to the food. Where do you start?? Well, fear not. I have some wary to follow tips and tricks to make your holiday party a success!
  • Make sure invitations are sent out in advance and that you get RSVPs.
  • Festive-up the house
  • Lights and candles will go a long way in creating a glow for your party room. Place any candles out of the way so that they don’t get knocked over.
  • Don't forget about music! It absolutely sets the tone for the party.
  • Choose suitable dishes that work with the feel of the gathering.
  • Take time to study a food plan.
  • You'll want to serve finger foods-nothing you have to cut or have trouble eating or that is messy and can get all over you. There's nothing worse than standing there with a plate, silverware and a glass of wine! Make it easy 
  • Keep the kids happy with kid-friendly bites and special area where the little ones can play.
  • Be prepared for extra food in case a friend decides to bring her famous gingerbread cookies!
  • Welcome guests with refreshments. Set up a drink station close to the entryway.
  • If applicable, Hire a presentable neighborhood teenager and put her or him in charge of refreshing the food.
  • Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Preston Residential College Reunion Follow-up!

So, it happened!! The Preston Residential College reunion went off without a hitch! Although the weather was wet and dreary we still had an fantastic turn out. The staff at Preston were an amazing help and the Preston Ambassadors who helped with set up were invaluable. The guests were an amazing mix of past and current Prestonites. In total, about 90-100 were in attendance. Bob Roller gave a lovely speech and presented a dedication plaque to Jay Jackson's family.
 Most people mingled and chit-chatted as they enjoyed the delicious food provided by Carolina Catering.

The Preston Ambassadors were ready and willing to give tours of the building to former residents to highlight some of the changes that have taken place. While the alumni reminisced on past activities, events, and even which rooms they had lived in.

 At the end of the reception a group of remaining guests decided to take a group picture on their beloved couch "Zelda." (The couch was designed by Zelda Fitzgerald, F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife)
 All in all the reunion was a success! And I am looking forward to planning Preston's 75th Anniversary this Fall.