Sunday, December 14, 2014

Holiday Party Time!!!

Planning a holiday get together at you house can be a daunting task form the cleaning to the decor to the food. Where do you start?? Well, fear not. I have some wary to follow tips and tricks to make your holiday party a success!
  • Make sure invitations are sent out in advance and that you get RSVPs.
  • Festive-up the house
  • Lights and candles will go a long way in creating a glow for your party room. Place any candles out of the way so that they don’t get knocked over.
  • Don't forget about music! It absolutely sets the tone for the party.
  • Choose suitable dishes that work with the feel of the gathering.
  • Take time to study a food plan.
  • You'll want to serve finger foods-nothing you have to cut or have trouble eating or that is messy and can get all over you. There's nothing worse than standing there with a plate, silverware and a glass of wine! Make it easy 
  • Keep the kids happy with kid-friendly bites and special area where the little ones can play.
  • Be prepared for extra food in case a friend decides to bring her famous gingerbread cookies!
  • Welcome guests with refreshments. Set up a drink station close to the entryway.
  • If applicable, Hire a presentable neighborhood teenager and put her or him in charge of refreshing the food.
  • Enjoy!

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